Scale X

Thoughts on navigating software engineering challenges

Beyond the beep and saving sleep: optimizing the On-Call experience

Some strategies to minimize alert fatigue, enhance incident management, and prioritize team well-being

How to make software architecture trade-off decisions

How do you come up with the best software solution for a problem and pitch that choice to both your technical and non-technical peers in…

building bringr: learnings from a corporate start-up

Lessons learned from launching a crowdsourced delivery platform

On building high performing teams, resilient systems and micro-frontends

My take-aways from the software engineering conference QCon London 2020

5 learnings from making a chatbot count free parking spots through cameras

A running computer vision experiment

How to get started with Threat Modeling, before you get hacked.

If you want to achieve security by design in your project and mitigate cyber threats before they hit your applications, you will need to…

Lessons learned at CraftConf—the new face of software architecture and making the right decisions

My takeaways from Craft Conference 2019

How to integrate a Firebase web app with Azure Active Directory

Firebase is an application platform from Google which offers many useful services to get your mobile or web app project started up quickly…

The main stories from QCon London ’19: building microservices the right way

Takeaways from the QCon software conference

Data Mining CVs: Tools & Lessons learned

Steps you can take to transform documents to digitally visualized and searchable data.